Helpful Links

And Useful Information

The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance keeps a list of some helpful links that residents, visitors and others might find useful.

Drop us a note if you have an idea of something we might include. Please note that we are unable to feature any individual businesses or for profit activity.

Information about farmers and growers in the area

Information for farmers, growers and gardeners in the area

  • Soil Health, Food and Farm Forum. January, Montrose, CO. - Annual forum hosted by Valley Food Partnership for anyone with an interest in the future of agriculture, with resources, networking opportunities and great speakers on timely topics.

  • Tri River Area CSU Extension provides a wealth of information, education and resources to Delta, Mesa, Montrose, and Ouray Counties. Includes links to gardening, food/health, ag and land, insects, etc.

  • Delta County Extension Office, 525 Dodge St, Delta, CO. (970) 874-2195 - Drop by to learn about resources available.

  • CO State Forest Service Planting Guide Growing Great Trees: a How-To Video series.

  • Online Gardening Classes from CSU Extension FREE for the public; registration is required.

  • Water Wise Landscaping Includes list of native plants and other resources to incorporate better water management into your landscaping.

  • CSU and CU Extension Small-acreage Land Stewardship online program The Land Stewardship badge program includes 7 courses. This program has been specifically developed for the Colorado-arid west soil and climatic conditions, providing the learner with more localized land strategies..

Local events and business directories

North Fork Valley Chamber of Commerce is an association of organizations and businesses mostly based in the towns and surroundings of Paonia, Hotchkiss and Crawford, Colorado.

North Fork Valley Business Directory (searchable) maintained by the NFV Chamber of Commerce

Delta County Events maintained by the Delta Chamber of Commerce

Delta Chamber of Commerce website with information about City of Delta organizations and businesses.

Delta Chamber of Commerce events

We have lots more resources online.

For example, we have a Welcome page that includes information on the area and some links that new residents might find useful, as well as links to basic information like how to register to vote, and contact information for some local, state and federal agencies and officials.

We have links to more resources and more ways you can get involved here. We also keep track of grants and other potential funding that might be available for small farms and cottage food businesses, and you can find that here. All that, and our Local Food Action Maps are available under the Resources menu at the top of any page.

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