Delta County farm and food stakeholders support Sen. Bennet’s Oil and Gas Reform
For Immediate Release
June 22, 2021
Statement from the Colorado Farm & Food Alliance on Oil and Gas Reform Legislation introduced by Senator Bennet
The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance applauds Senator Michael Bennet for introducing legislation that provides needed reforms to the public lands oil and gas programs. There is a growing crisis looming in so-called orphaned oil and gas wells that threaten our public lands, our climate, our water supplies - and that pose a significant taxpayer liability that will only grow worse if not addressed. We also agree it's time to put people back at the center of public lands decisions.
Sen. Bennet’s Oil and Gas Bonding Reform and Orphaned Well Remediation Act will help clean up these problem wells in the short-term, and reform bonding requirements to make sure taxpayers aren’t left on the hook next time. And the Public Engagement Opportunity on Public Lands Exploration Act strengthens public involvement opportunities on issues like oil and gas fracking when it impacts our public lands and waters, an issue of critical importance to hundreds of down-stream farmers who rely on these healthy lands and secure water supplies for their own operations.
Jeff Schwartz, Owner Big B’s Delicious Juices & Ciders/Delicious Orchards Farm Market
"As a business-owner who relies on clean water flowing from our public lands, and on customers attracted to the rural, undeveloped and backcountry surroundings I applaud Senator Bennet for acting to put communities back at the center of public lands decision-making. Reforming the oil and gas program is a no-brainer, we need to be taking action to safeguard our clean water, and our environment, not just keep handing more lands over to oil and gas and going business as usual."
For too long the disproportionately impacted--including Tribal nations, frontline, and communities of color--have been left out, disrespected or disregarded in land-use and environmental decisions that directly impact them. And for too long powerful corporations have been taking the profits from these communities and our public lands, and leaving their polluting mess behind.
The Colorado Farm & Food Alliance works to strengthen communities that are economically secure, socially equitable, and ecologically resilient. Ensuring that oil and gas companies do not leave the public liable for their activities and impacts, and that the public is centered in land use and other decisions, will help align the public lands oil and gas leasing and development program toward these ends.